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Competency Framework/Skill Matrix

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What is Competency Framework?

Competencies can best be described as a mixture of knowledge, skills and attributes which provide a clear definition of what is needed for an individual to carry out their job role effectively in order to achieve and improve upon key performance objectives. A competency framework is a model that broadly describes performance excellence within an organization. The framework is used to provide a set of values, standards and beliefs to work towards setting expectations and allowing for learning and development.

Why are they Important?

A competency framework is a means by which organizations communicate which behaviors are required, valued, recognized and rewarded with respect to specific occupational roles. Competency frameworks also give you a common vocabulary to describe the purpose and outcomes of learning in a business context. A well-developed competency framework includes multiple levels of achievement, showing your employees exactly what individual progress should look like in each role. So, when you build learning programs that develop competencies, you promote a long-term view of learning and overall performance in the role. This promotes employee retention and ties learning into long-term business success

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How will it add Value to the Business?

Competency frameworks ensures that staff, in general, have a common understanding of the organization’s values and expected excellent performance behaviours in business context.The competencies you select should be those that deliver the greatest business impact. By clearly articulating the behaviours that generate business success, you can communicate with your employees and managers the way that their performance ties into the top-level business

objectives. The benefits are clear for employees and managers, and ultimately, the organization.

  • For employees, competencies offer a description of the standards of excellence for current roles and potential future roles – in other words, they describe what “great” performance looks like.
  • For managers, they provide resources to help them select and develop employees, and provide language to guide performance
  • For organizations, they provide an action-oriented translation of what it looks like to demonstrate the values that are key to

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