HR Operations (with 1 Virtual Exec) Monthly Retainership
Best suited for smaller teams with the focus on general HR Operations.
Employee Lifecycle ManagementEmployee Lifecycle Management
Digital HRMSDigital HRMS
Employee Grievance Handling (As & when required)Employee Grievance Handling (As & when required)
Leave ManagementLeave Management
Standard Policies & Compliances ImplementationStandard Policies & Compliances Implementation
Payroll CalculationPayroll Calculation
Forms & Formats (As per the requirement)Forms & Formats (As per the requirement)
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HR Management (HR Leadership) Monthly Retainership
Ideal for Businesses who are planning for scaling up. Focus is on Strategic HR Management & HR Leadership.
All in HR Operations PlusAll in HR Operations Plus
Workforce Planning & ManagementWorkforce Planning & Management
Skill MatrixSkill Matrix
HR LeadershipHR Leadership
Employee Development (Learning Portal)Employee Development (Learning Portal)
Employee Performance ManagementEmployee Performance Management
Monthly Performance PlanningMonthly Performance Planning
Annual Goal SettingsAnnual Goal Settings
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HR Strategies
Specialized services for developed Businesses.
Competency Framework DesignCompetency Framework Design
L&D FrameworksL&D Frameworks
Designing Performance Management SystemDesigning Performance Management System
Employee DevelopmentEmployee Development
HR AuditHR Audit
Employee Performance AnalysisEmployee Performance Analysis
HR FrameworksHR Frameworks
Payroll Management Payroll Management
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Do You Have Questions?

A list of frequently asked questions to help you understand how it works.

1: What is Human Resource?

Human resources (HR) is the division of a company in charge of finding, screening, hiring and onboarding candidates. The vital components of business culture that HR addresses includes compensation, performance management, training and development and reinforcing the company’s values. It also develops policies and strategies to retain the employees. Human resource management is, thus, a modern umbrella term for the management and development of employees in an organization. Managers of human resources plan, organize, and oversee an organization’s administrative operations.

Hence, in creating, sustaining, and altering an organization’s culture, human resources (HR) is a critical component as a firm is only as good as its employees to preserve or enhance the sustainability of the organization.

2: Why HR is important for every organization?

Regardless of how intelligent the machines and systems become, management personnel will always be required. The talent you rely on to carry out goals and strategies will, in the end, determine the growth of your organization. You can’t afford to lose focus when your company grows when it comes to the numerous expectations that come with it, especially in the areas of hiring. Hence it is essential to manage employees, the talent, productivity and motivation along with safety & compliance. In order to keep the workforce aligned with the overall business objectives & corporate priorities, HR definitely plays a crucial role. A well-integrated HR team plays a significant role in developing and effectively communicating policies and strategies. Thus, the value of people as a resource cannot be understated, in any business sector.

3: Why every business needs to focus on HR?

From enhancing employee wellbeing to risk management, HR is a crucial component of any firm. Without effective administration, this complicated line of work would be disorganized and unable to advance over time. Absence of competent human resources management in the businesses would not be able to attract and retain top talent, grow and improve their operations, or maintain a positive, accepting workplace culture. Hence, an effective workforce is the cornerstone of a successful business, and HR management is the glue that ties it all together. For this reason, every business needs a knowledgeable, sympathetic manager or an HR team to oversee the human resources division and understand the dynamic changes in business demands.

One of the best ways for a business to assure employee happiness, productivity, and future growth is to have a robust HR team supported by good leadership for business to grow and prosper.

4: How to Identify the right company that can provide Quality HR Services?

With the studies conducted, there are a set few parameters which are considered.

  • Service delivery performance: A day-to-day operation of processes and systems which establishes the consistency of performance, accuracy of service delivery and a quick problem resolution approach.
  • Service provider agility: This tells how flexible and adaptable the organization is to accept and implement responses to changes
  • Relationship attributes: It talks about leadership, knowledge, proactivity of the HR organization which is providing services.
  • Service Attributes includes feature/ functionality, technology, breadth, the HR Organization has to offer
  • Implementation Performance parameters consists of upgrades, new features, new projects the company has to offer
  • Standards & Compliance Levels

Hence, in a nutshell, domain expertise and the ability of HR Organizations to be updated with the current trends will be the crucial factors in determining the quality services it has to offer.

5: Importance of Training and Development

Employee training and development aids in the updating of employees’ knowledge and skills for carrying out a job, which ultimately results in an increase in their work efficiency and the productivity of a business. It makes sure that employees’ eccentricity is minimized and that learning or behavioral change should occur in a highly structured manner. It creates a highly skilled, motivated and enthusiastic workforce, implements optimum utilization of human resources, increases productivity by improvement in quality of work, builds team spirit, promotes personal growth, effectively increases employee morale, improves the goodwill of an organization and many more.

Interested? Let's get in touch!

HR is a mindset, an approach towards the most important stakeholder for any business and it is its People. Through our bouquet of services, we cover the complete spectrum.
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