How to get a job in human resources?

If you search in Google, most websites are talking about various steps to be eligible for an HR job.
Now the question remains – ‘What exactly do you need to become an HR professional?’
Prerequisites to start your career in Human Resources
Only 39% of HR leaders are confident to transform the workforce into a happy, productive team. It means there’s a huge opportunity to make your mark in human resources.
Here’s how you can step up your way to a lucrative career –
The right certification (not only your resume)
Choose the certification that teaches you the theory of HR and hand you tools & techniques to put in place.
Don’t sign up for any INR 99 course and hope to learn how to crack an interview immediately.

You need solid guidance from someone who has already walked the path and did what you want to do in near future.
Check out the certifications you need to get into HR
Develop the right attitude
How can you see a situation from a neutral point of view?
As an HR, you can’t take sides.
You need to play the role of an arbitrator and make sure that you understand the situation well to solve it.
Having this attitude won’t come in a day.
Work with your peers and practice mock role-plays to develop the right attitude.
Know the many facets of HR and how HR is aligned with the strategic goal of the organization
HR hasn’t arrived out of a vacuum. It has a direct alignment with the strategic objective of an organization.
The core objective of an organization is to maximize the value of its stakeholders.
The primary aim of the HR function is to set a system that performs and readjusts the processes and people.
When you want to get into HR, you should know all the facets of the HR role and how you fit into the big picture.
You need to ask yourself –
- Do I have the basic knowledge of all the facets of the HR role?
- How can I be useful to the organization that supports the core values and maximizes the stakeholders’ value?
- How can I know more about each facet and how they’re useful for the organization?
You can figure everything on your own or you can cut back years worth of effort and time to a few hours of outcome-based certifications.
Check out the certifications you need to get into HR
Drop the mindset of knowing it all
If you have been transitioning into the HR function, you may think that you almost know everything and you may not need to learn as much as someone who is just starting out.
While this is partially true, you need to drop the mindset of knowing it all so that you can absorb the learning on on-the-job and off-the-job training.
An organization can’t afford to hire you if you’re not a continuous learner and seem to be a know-it-all.
In the final analysis

The most important aspect of starting a career in HR is having the ability to understand and implement the right processes, systems, and use tools that help your organization.
You need to play the role of a bridge between the management & the employees that are working with the organization.
Often you’d be tilted toward one whereas balancing the other.
You need to develop the prudence to tilt toward the right direction in a given situation.
There’s only one question you need to answer over and over again –
“Am I willing to learn, fail, get back up, and do it all over again?”
If the answer is a resounding yes, you’re on your way to make your mark.