Why don’t they mention the salary range in the job posting?

Why don’t they mention the salary range in the job posting?
This is a very common and curious (okay furious) ask that majority of job seekers have. This may reduce the number of job applications but result in the most appropriate ones coming forward, is the thought. Let’s understand why most recruiters/employers avoid this.
Don’t they need more relevant profiles?
Yes, they do but yes they do lack clarity. This article elaborates on how we can handle this.
In reality, a lot of businesses/management do not have a set criterion for it. They lack proper salary categorization and rely more on markets/competitors/candidate’s current compensation. This market analysis could also be flawed as each of these large organizations may have its own criteria; some may be a very good paymaster where some other may not and then we average them out 😊. We lack a formal structure…it’s better to have our own standard meeting our needs and budgets
How do we address this?
Competencies present a strong solution to this.

A carefully analyzed and created Skill Matrix adds insights for not just Salary structuring but to different other functions
Let us understand it better
- Creates a Candidate’s persona – A study of all the job roles analyzing their needs and challenges will not only help design a concrete job description but will also help us create an ideal candidate’s persona. We would know who could be the BEST fit for the role. This will also bring in uniformity in the selection process, minimizing the subjectivity, the bias
It will shift the focus towards hiring the Right Behaviors that the Organization & the Job needs. Yes, the Culturally fit candidates. We need the ones who can perform well, not just today but later too.
It is the Will, not Skill that impacts individual performance. Skills can be developed easily
- Makes Onboarding effective – The best fitment cannot just rely on the qualification and experience alone. We even need to understand the behavioral abilities that the job demands. As an HR the above candidate persona helps understand and map the real needs and then assign the job that suits the individual talent.
This saves a lot of effort & time for us as an organization in training and preparing them on something that they do not align to. Let’s not train a Horse to run in deserts…it will demoralize the Horse by being labeled as a non-performer and at the same time the work goals aren’t met
- Develop a Value based Culture – A carefully crafted Talent/Skill Matrix not only help us create an ideal persona to select but also help us in determining its real Value. The selected candidate feels respected and valued and returns the Value in terms of work that is assigned to him/her.
This can minimize comparison with others. If I want better compensation, I will showcase better Value of work. It again helps us minimize the bias in the organization
- Training no longer remains a process, it becomes a Purpose – With clear understanding of deliverables, employees will be more aligned & aware, and they will be more focused on building the skills that can add more Value to their work…this Value, after all it leads to better compensation
- Career/Employee Development become more concrete – The work gets valued and its not only the Results that matter but also the intent & efforts behind the work gets recognized. Let’s not glorify someone who brings an Egg from a Cock, we know it can’t. It helps your people understand the value that they are expected to deliver and what Behaviors can get them to the next level
One can get incentivized/rewarded for the work that he/she does or the numbers that they achieve but to grow to the next level, they need to showcase Potential. This Talent Matrix helps them know what potential can get them to the level they want to reach
To sum it up, Talent Matrix plays a crucial role in Organization design and development and needs to be carefully crafted. It helps us avoid subjectivity, helps us avoid the generic design.
Each organization is unique and so are its requirements; a Generic structure won’t work. Feel free to connect with us for any assistance in setting up the right Talent Matrix for your organization or if you would want to learn it individual
Check our programs here https://www.skillhublearning.com/