An Interesting Take on Human Vs. Resources

In this brief guide, we will talk about two specific terms – ‘human’ and ‘resources’.
We will look at them individually and then collectively and will try to understand how relevant these two terms are in the present scenario of employee management.
The word ‘human’
The etymology of the term ‘human’ is the Latin word ‘humus’ which means ‘earth’ or ‘ground’.
Mr. Richard Rohr, an author says – “Being human means acknowledging that we’re made from the earth and return to the earth.”
To extend Mr. Rohr’s point of view, we humans are cut from the same cloth.
What’s significant here is one particular word – ‘empathy’.
Research says that ‘empathy’ is the greatest skill if you want to become a leader.
As an HR manager, if you don’t have empathy; if you can’t put yourselves in the shoes of your fellow employees (and only pay heed to the profits and the management of the business), it would be challenging for you to ensure the well-being of the organization for a very long time.
The word ‘resources’
The history of ‘resource’ is more interesting.
It stems from the French word ‘ressourse’ which means ‘to recover’ or ‘to offer relief’.
We always remark that prevention is better than cure.
You need to recover from debt when you’re not proactive enough to create the cashflows first.
You need to receive relief from a high attrition rate when you don’t treat your employees with care and candor.
You need to rework your recruitment strategies because the previous one that you created was more focused on how to get an employee quickly instead of how you can hire someone who is a cultural fit.
Clubbing the ‘human’ and ‘resources’
When you spell out ‘human resources’ together, the meaning gets changed completely.
Then the humans are not treated as human beings, but human doings who should be measured against a set of activities, ROI, quantifiable attributes.
While tracking every aspect of a business is useful, for the particular profession (human management), tracking every move isn’t a prudent element.
Rather try this.
Understand the meaning of each of these words separately and then club the words together.
Don’t treat your employees like another machine or tool; rather treat them as human beings and offer them empathy.
When your employees will see that you care, productivity would reach through the roof and they will never lack commitment.
And then your ‘recovery’ work will get reduced to the minimum possible extent because you’re already proactive enough to take care of your people.
So that you can say ‘no’ to new recruitment planning, not hiring and firing people with little or no turn-around-time, not increasing the budget for your lack of empathy.
Going beyond
The human beings that come to your office every day are not resources, they are capital.
Here’s why – when you want to build something from nothing and you don’t have something substantial to show forth, you need capital.
Capital becomes the bridge between your point A and point B.
You still think that resources are more important than capital.
Resources are exploited, capital is the foundation, and there’s a huge difference between these two.
The organizations have been slowly moving from human resources to human capital.
They’re understanding the value of every employee and their contribution toward building something substantial.
Until these employees exchange their pieces of life to support the founders of the companies, the companies can’t dream the big dreams, and can’t achieve the impossible vision they’ve set for themselves.
Don’t treat humans as tools/resources, treat them as capital.
And you’d be able to see a drastic difference in your output.