Is HR Certification Worth the Hype?

Here’s the brutal truth.

Anything that’s hyped, isn’t worth the hype.

But there’s more to the truth.

A piece of paper won’t do any good to you until you also don’t take the onus to act.

At the end of the day, a piece of paper is a good thing to fetch you an interview. But it won’t ever give you the edge you need to crack one and become an HR.

99% of certifications (not only HR) don’t work

Here’s why.

Because not all self-paced, convenient, online programs are not worth your while.

When you invest in a course or a certification, it’s not only the money you see. It’s also your time.

You need to carefully dig into the resources to see whether the money and the time you’re going to put into the certification will actually make any difference in your career.

Here’s why.

Knowledge is not power

It’s only potential power.

You can do 100+ certifications, but if your execution rate is 1:100, why bother?

The success of HR certifications is 99% dependent on your execution (of course the quality of the course is the primary ingredient).

If you don’t act and don’t do what you’re asked to do, why not join INR 49 course instead?

What do our certifications do?

Our programs are designed by HR for HR to serve the bigger community of HR.

And we’re committed and devoted to our mission in building people that are capable enough to sit at the center of every organization as an HR.

Hundreds of our students got placed in multiple organizations because our certifications have power.

And that power lies in the way we design the course and deliver them.

We don’t take any short-cut or don’t promise overnight success.

Our programs do not end at delivering the knowledge but we help them visualize the typical work challenges. They walk out with experience(practical learning) and not just knowledge.

The training is facilitated by experts who have 15+ years of industry experience. The students learn from their experiences.

Uninterrupted access to the learning library with 3 months of access to mentors after completion of training.

Plus, the programs focus on core HR strategies that are the need for today.

How to go out of hype and be real instead?

Stop looking for free information or almost free information that claims to change your life in 7 days.

A fad is a fad is a fad.

Look for something solid in the course.

  • Check out the speaker
  • The background
  • What did they achieve
  • Did anyone get placed before?
  • Did they really do any certifications themselves?

In the present age of purchasing reviews and testimonials, it’s hard to find a real HR certification that does what it says.

Look for answers from those who have already walked the path and have known the bottlenecks and pain of skill acquisition.

Being an HR is hard.

And no you can’t get a job no matter how rich the course material is.

It’s you that needs to execute and learn and apply.

Our programs can help you get a job by making you more capable.

We’ve worked hard so that we can make you work harder on yourself.

Opt for Skillhub.

Be prudent.

Choose well.

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