Stages of HR Career Development – How to Go from Exploration to Mastery?

If you’re ever worried about how boring your HR career is, you’re at the right place right now.

Often while you’re climbing higher in your career, you may feel that instead of going upward, your career is actually going through a dip.

But are you absolutely sure that you’re not growing in your career?

In this guide, we will explore the stages of HR Career Development and you will know why a dip in your career isn’t at all a thing to worry about.

Stages of HR Career Development

It’s important to begin your career with gusto, but it’s more important to push through when you go through a dip.

Here are the stages you will observe while you traverse through your HR career –

  • Exploration (E): At this stage, you’re still figuring out how to make sense of your HR career you just get into. You are listening to your peers and trying to emulate your seniors. At this stage, you know that you have so much to learn, but don’t have a clue how to go to the next stage.
  • Establishment (E): At this juncture, you’re slowly enjoying the process of being an HR (whatever role you’re playing) and learning the most. Since you’re comfortable in your role, you expect to equate your inputs with the outputs you receive.
  • Mid-career (M): At this stage, you’re getting bored with the growth. And you’re looking for something exciting and looking for more growth. But unfortunately, your inputs are not equating to the outputs you’re getting and that’s making you anxious. And you’re thinking why you’re not growing in your career.
  • Decline (D): This is the most difficult stage of your HR career and the more effort you’re putting into it, the more you’re declining into oblivion. If you can push through this stage and don’t lose your heart, the next stage, the best HR career stage is waiting for you.
  • Mastery (M): Very few can pass through the decline stage and come to this stage. That’s why it’s said that there’s no crowd along the extra mile. To reach mastery, you need to put in the effort irrespective of the results you are getting. If you look into the graph we shared above you’d see that it’s called ‘the dip’ and whoever can go over the dip, can make their mark toward mastery.

Mastery Requires More Than Commitment

If you turn out to be the dark horse and don’t give up at the stage of decline, it’s your commitment that takes you ahead toward mastery.

But the truth is commitment is only one piece of the puzzle.

You need another ‘C’ to be able to reach the level of mastery.

It may sound cliche, but this ‘C’ stands for ‘certification’.

And when we’re talking about certification, we’re not talking about just any certification – rather we want you to go through the certifications that reduce your learning curve.

Here’s an analogy.

What if you get a mentor who went through everything you’re about to go through! What will reduce your learning curve by half – years of trial & error or directly learning from your mentor?

You know the answer, right?

The right certifications will teach you the things you NEED, rather than what you think you need.

Use Commitment + Certification and win the game of your HR career.

There’s no crowd along the extra mile, but who said you need to nod your head like the crowd?


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