Why is HR the New Marketing?

The title of this article is intriguing, especially for those who think HR is redundant.

Read this article and we promise you that you will get why not deploying HR could be your biggest mistake.

First, let’s answer why marketing is always gaining all the eyeballs of founders and owners of small and big businesses.

Why is marketing always the only hero?

Because it brings in the buck.

But well, is it actually true?

What we mean to say by this is let us ask you a few questions and you’d understand what we’re coming on to –

  • Who is making the marketing strategy?
  • Who is running the campaigns?
  • Who is creating the content?
  • Who is dealing with new leads?
  • Who is touch-basing with new clients to help them on-board better?
  • Who is providing the after sales service so that the company not only satisfies its customers, but delights them?

If you’re not from the stone age, you’d know that the answer is just a one-word. And this one word makes all the difference in a business.

Among all the curtain-raising and applause, present to you the one and only hero of a business –  human beings.

Humans are the holy grail of everything that you do.

And when it comes down to nurturing them and nourishing them, what’d you do?

You make it redundant.

Realize you’re not running a company in the stone age

If you’re, you’re using symbols instead of language/s. And you’re running your company in a cave and not in a modern-architectural-amazingly designed office.

You’d say that’s gibberish. And we’d say that is exactly the point.

When during the stone age, the leader of the pack felt threatened by someone, they used to kill that enemy. 

But at this present age, when you feel threatened by your new hire, that’s exactly the purpose of hiring that person. She should be smarter, better, more knowledgeable, and more accomplished than you.

You’re putting your baby (your company) in this lady’s (no gender bias, pls) hands and you must make sure that it’s secure and sound (and better than you).

And that’s what HR helps you do – figuring out a way to put your company in good hand/s that nurture and nourish rather than threaten and perish.

HR is the New Marketing

Long after Mr. Vinit Nayar popularized the concept of EFCS (employee first, customer second), the organizations have been realizing the value of HR.

The first customer of every HR is its employees contrary to the popular belief.

Yes, the management hires an HR and trains her to support and nurture the organization. But as an HR, she needs to pay attention to both the helicopter view (the big picture, i.e. the overall well-being of the organization) and the pixel view (each unit of an organization that makes an organization, i.e. its employees).

In the best-selling book ‘Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us’, author Daniel Pink talks about three innate psychological human needs – competence, autonomy, and relatedness.

Once you provide these three magic potions to your employees, whoa! You’d see that your people would turn into marketing boxes and wherever they go they talk about you, your company, your products, an amazing culture, and more.

Instead of increasing your budget for your next marketing campaign, why not keep some of that for hiring and training your HR? 

Skillhub Consulting is on a mission to bust the myths of HR and trains and motivates your people to learn the core of what HR does. 

[Know more about that here]

In the final analysis

While capturing eyeballs for your next product promotion is critical, training, retraining, and valuing your people could be the most important strategic initiative you can take.

And that decision will pay you off long after your countless campaigns will disappear in the thin air.

Keep your marketing at its place.

And make your HR the new hero.

Isn’t it the most sagacious move ever?


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